Monday 1 April 2013

Three Words 

The track is an interesting collection of sounds with a distinct sound of a wagon or train on its tracks. I found this sound really quite eerie, whether that was the intention I am not sure however my emotion when listening to it was that it was almost a sound building up to some sinister ending. I used the word soothing because although it is sinister it also has an element of peacefulness. The sounds used together compliment each other and with no huge climax to the piece it carries on at a steady pace creating quite a relaxing atmosphere. However the words sinister and soothing contradict each other but I think this describes the piece well, its a contradiction in emotions. The word tranquil just elaborates on the soothing element. 


Looking at animations I came across Les Triplettes De Belleville, a French animation that uses music and sound more than dialogue to tell the story. This scene in particular is about a woman who goes on a journey to find her lost son and is under a bridge. The sounds of things in the background are barges and ships and boats but the focus is about her feeling quite alone. This reminded of my sound track, the wagon in the distance is similar to this scene. 

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