Monday 28 January 2013

What kind of designer am I?

Good question, however I'm really struggling to find out myself. I suppose it's similar to asking Who am I? Equally as hard to answer. I thought the best place to start would be looking at my history as an Artist/Designer and exploring my interests and what I'm passionate about. 

Thinking back I dabbled into a lot of photography at one point, this became separate from my studies and more a hobby.

Photography was always a starting point for projects for me, capturing the visual image led me to massive amounts of inspiration. Although I don't believe I carry the technical skill photographers have I could always notice something that I deemed as visually exciting and always wanted to capture this. This is something I think will always be a good skill to carry as a designer. 

Print work


All of this work was produced on my foundation course, a great opportunity I cherished. It gave me the opportunity to experiment with so many different skills. In the context of type of design I think I am going to keep all skills under my belt. Use them all when needed. 

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