Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Concept. 

As I am yet to find out what area of design I want to go into I had an idea to use my package to simply express the fact that I am forever growing as a designer. I then had to think of ways to present this. I thought of using an illustration of a tree as a metaphor of my growth. I then thought  how well this would go with my organic theme, having the final made from brown card with an illustration of a tree would look quite delicate.

This is a sketch I made from a journal I kept, I think this represents me better than anything. It's simple, delicate and looks asif its trying hard to grow, all the branches are almost like all of the paths I could possibly take. 

I also was thinking of added some text to the package, again I wanted it to be as simple as;
'Forever growing as a designer'

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